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Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex? How to balance different modalities for active learning

A practical for institutional leaders to support your faculty balance different modalities for active learning 

Advancements in pedagogical technology have allowed institutions to move the learning to different modalities other than the face-to-face setting. Cross-modality teaching empowers educators to address diverse students’ needs, which drives engagement and active learning. 

Switching between modalities, however, remains a challenge for institutions. The challenge lies in the lack of a common language for instructional modes, instructional and technology support for staff and students, and reliable access to new technologies or infrastructure needed for multimodal learning. 

So what do institutions need to teach effectively across modalities, while not putting extra workload on faculties? 

This guide aims to elaborate on 3 practical strategies that institutional leaders can take to help faculties make the most of learning modalities: 

Develop a shared terminology for different learning modalities (online, hybrid, blended, and HyFlex)

Enhance instructional and technology support for both faculty and students

Provide quality exemplars of effective active teaching across modalities 

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