Learning Activity

Guided reading comprehension

Enhance critical reading and thinking with materials comprehension
Created by Pedagogy Team at FeedbackFruits
Learning outcome:
Knowledge uptake
Prep time:
Intermediate (10-30 min)
Activity type(s):
Study materials comprehension

Why this learning activity?

Learning activities targeting high-order skills like this one can help you activate students more effectively. This activity will help you with:


Students will be able to individually assess and identify the structure of academic papers.


Students are able to critically read and analyze the sections and annotate the main arguments.


Students are able to reflect and comment on peers annotations, give feedback and engage into a discussion.


Activity steps

1. Read instructions: Carefully go through the provided instructions to understand the requirements of this comprehension activity. Pay attention to any specific guidelines or criteria mentioned by the instructor.

2. Annotate multimedia: Access the multimedia content provided by your instructor. As you engage with the content, make annotations to highlight key points, concepts, and any questions that arise. Use the annotation tools to add notes and comments that will help you understand and remember the material.

3. Reflect on the material: After annotating the multimedia content, take some time to reflect on what you have learned. Summarize the main takeaways from the material, identify any areas that were challenging, and consider how the information relates to other topics you have studied. Use this reflection to enhance your understanding and retention of the material.

Activity setup

FeedbackFruits tool(s) used:

Actively and effectively reading course material can be difficult for students, especially if they are specialized fields where they are reading journals, academic papers or other domain specific for the first time. This assignment helps  to:

  • Develop skills such as knowledge comprehension but also all the way to
  • critical thinking too, comprehension helps you
  • guide students in their reading through categories and topics defined by the instructor.

This template includes a use- case below from OsloMet highlights how comprehension was used to help students more effectively understand, analyze and evaluate academic papers.

In this activity template:

  • You can add a document, such as a research paper , where you can thereafter add:
    • Students can annotate the text and attribute it to one of the chosen topics you’ve defined as a teacher.
    • Require a summary per category of annotations the student has added.
  • Reflection
    • Encourage students to reflect on their main take aways
    • What do they look forward to in the semester, what will the challenges be, and where do they feel their strengths will shine?

Notable Settings:

Anonymity: On

Reflection: On

Grading: Off


Recommended rubrics for this activity

Evaluate APA citation style | FHSU

Rubric template to give feedback on the APA citation style of the written report

Evaluate research synthesis | FHSU

Rubric template to give feedback on how students processed and synthesized the research findings

Evaluate research paper content | FHSU

Rubric template to evaluate how students wrote each part of the research paper

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