Feedback and assessment in higher education: Challenges, innovation, and AI

A practical guide to facilitate holistic, inclusive, and technology-enhanced assessment

This ebook provides educators with practical strategies to enhance student learning through modern feedback and assessment techniques. Covering key topics such as challenges in assessment, active feedback for deeper learning, holistic scoring approaches, the integration of AI in education, and authentic, inclusive assessments, this guide offers actionable insights for improving learning outcomes.

By balancing innovative technologies with student-centered practices, we hope to support institutions in creating more personalised, growth-oriented, and equitable assessment experiences for students.

In this, you will be able to:

Explore the challenges and opportunities of transforming assessment into a more streamlined and impactful process

Delve into the inner feedback approach, which relies on self-generated feedback to empower critical thinking and active learning

Shift focus to the holistic scoring framework that emphasises growth over grades

Discover many potentials of AI and assessment, examining how artificial intelligence can revolutionize feedback and evaluation practices

Explore how to integrate digital technology into the assessment process to ensure inclusivity and authenticity

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Join the future of education with pedagogy-driven AI

Take the first step towards transforming your educational experience with Acai by FeedbackFruits. Embrace AI that prioritizes pedagogy, ethical standards, and transparency.