With the Interactive Study Materials tools, instructors create engaging comprehension activities where students interact with course materials by responding to questions and discussion prompts. This step encourages asynchronous engagement and makes sure students are well-prepared for tackling the application problem in the next steps. You can also use the Engagement Assistant feature in the tool (powered by AI) to create context-based open questions and discussions and save time.
In groups, students discuss the application problem provided by the instructor in the Discussion on Topic tool. This step encourages student-student and teacher-student interactions while stimulating higher-order thinking.
Students engage in group feedback and self-evaluation based on the collaboration skills criteria within Group Member Evaluation tool. This steps holds students accountable for their group contribution, and develop critical feedback skills.
After reading the feedback, students reflect on the group discussion process, focusing on the strength of their argumentation, their contributions to the group work, and their level of comprehension of the course content, using the Self Assessment tool. This activity helps to develop self-regulatory learning and critical thinking.