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Feedback: My Learning Edge

Glen Wheatley
Dan Hasan

What's in this episode?

Right from our very first episode, Glen Wheatley has been supporting the podcast as well as other goings-on at FeedbackFruits. In his work at The University of Adelaide, Glen has been innovating with a number of pedagogic practices designed to facilitate the best course design possible. Most recently, he has been diving into feedback in all its aspects, as something that not only helps students in their communication, collaboration, and conscious thinking about the course, but also has helped Glen to reimagine his own teaching and instructional design. We consider rubrics, assessment, and even look back to intercultural and social aspects of feedback in this conversation. Be sure to check out the full conversation!

The Learning Experience Lab is made possible by FeedbackFruits.

pocket casts
further readingds and references:

You can watch Glen’s inspirED presentation on video storytelling here.

Glen Wheatley

Associate Professor at The University of Adelaide

Glen Bruce Wheatley is a Course Coordinator at The University of Adelaide. Coming from an international career in manufacturing, consulting and entrepreneurial pursuits, Glen started teaching as an adjunct academic in 2017. Lifelong curiosity and love of learning has propelled Glen to seek ways to increase student engagement, including through technology.

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Would you like to be a guest on the show?

Dan Hasan
Content Creator, FeedbackFruits