[Live webinar] Leveraging AI for inclusive learning


Discover resources, checklists, and templates to build engaging courses.
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AI-driven transformation: Redesigning policy, curricula, and assessment for the future

Explore best practices to integrate AI into policies, curriculum design, and assessment practices.

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How to choose the right edtech partner

Explore 8 key factors to consider when choosing the edtech partner for your institution

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Competency-based Education: Empower authentic and skill-based learning

Explore the Competency-based education (CBE) framework and how it can help you enhance career readiness and student success

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Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex? How to balance different modalities for active learning

Online, Hybrid, or Hyflex? This ebook proposes 3 strategies for institutions to help faculties teach effectively across different learning modalities.

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Leading in the age of AI: A comprehensive guide for higher education

Harness the power of AI in higher education through practical strategies, insights, and real-world success stories in this ebook.

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Team-based learning: A guide to success (2024 edition)

Gain understanding of team-based learning and how to best implement it in online and hybrid environments.

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Transform writing assignments in the age of AI: 5 best strategies

How to upgrade writing assignments in harmony with AI technology with practical strategies, success stories, and templates.

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Inclusive teaching and UDL: A comprehensive guide

Guidelines, practical strategies, and templates to help you implement inclusive pedagogy and UDL in diverse settings.

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Authentic assessment rubrics in higher education: A collection of templates

A selection of use cases and rubric templates for self, peer, and group assessment, which have been designed and successfully adopted by institutions worldwide.

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A practical guide to choose the best teaching tools

This framework will provide faculty members with a holistic view to evaluate and decide on the most suited pedaogogical tools.

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5 effective ways to better student writing

Explore 5 best practices to help instructors elevate your writing lessons and improve students’ academic writing.

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Quality online teaching and learning: Achieving the higher education we deserve

A complete guide to flexible course design that promotes active learning, student engagement, and retention.

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Feedback for learning: A comprehensive guide

This ebook provides essential insights into feedback for learning and fool-proof strategies to elevate the feedback practice.

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Facilitating group work and peer assessment at business schools

Discover how to facilitate effective group work and peer assessment with the successful transformation stories from the Wharton School of Business and Griffith University.

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Transforming learning in higher education with pedagogical technology

In this ebook, we discuss how LMSs can be enriched by pedagogical technology for a more sustainable learning environment.

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Cultivate a learning community

Download our latest ebook and discover the top pedagogical issues of 2020, along with 5 real-life strategies to elevate every aspect of your course design.

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How to design an online university course

A practical, step-by-step guide on how to design online university course, with the best practices for both teachers and instructional designers when creating an online course design, together with the latest tools.

We gather the most valuable resources and learnings on pedagogy and email them to you every month.

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