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Moving forward with feedback

Ewoud de Kok
Dan Hasan

What's in this episode?

Greetings! In this very first episode, I’m going to talk about my own journey into the world of education, and also introduce the topic we’ll be covering in this upcoming series: feedback cultures. Giving, receiving, and processing feedback is inseparable from learning and development, regardless of whether you’re teaching or learning; inside school or outside it. But what are the different ways we encounter this process, and how can we improve it? Tune in and let’s take a look.

pocket casts
further readingds and references:
Ewoud de Kok

CEO at FeedbackFruits

Ewoud co-founded FeedbackFruits in 2012, starting as an experiment in a small class at TU Delft, and growing to global success in the years after. Today, he continues to lead an international team under the mission of transforming education by making every course engaging.

Got any questions or feedback?
Would you like to be a guest on the show?

Dan Hasan
Content Creator, FeedbackFruits