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FeedbackFruits has gone climate neutral

Felix Akkermans
Rebecca LeBoeuf
Rebecca LeBoeuf
September 18, 2024
Table of Contents

FeedbackFruits is proud to announce our commitment to achieving climate neutrality. We've voluntarily offset our emissions from 2022 to 2024 and pledge to continue this practice moving forward.

Join Cole Groom of FeedbackFruits and Patricia Luna of TAMU for an in-depth webinar exploring authentic assessment and how it can transform your approach to student evaluations

Our journey to climate neutrality

We must admit we're still in the early stages, and there’s still uncertainty whether we’re over- or under-compensating (we’re tightening those error bars). But we can now confidently say we’re in the right ballpark in terms of offsetting our emissions. We’ve mapped our biggest emission sources and working to include more.

Mapping of emission sources at FeedbackFruits
Mapping of emission sources at FeedbackFruits

Partnering with for high-impact carbon offsetting

We’ve teamed up with to ensure our carbon offsetting efforts have a real impact. Together, we support a diverse portfolio of high-quality carbon reduction and removal projects aimed at catalyzing sustainable solutions. Our approach aims to catalyze sustainable solutions and send a strong demand signal to carbon dioxide removal suppliers.

 portfolio of high-quality carbon reduction and removal projects
Portfolio of high-quality carbon reduction and removal projects

Key steps we've taken to minimize our carbon footprint

In addition to offsetting emissions, we have implemented several initiatives to reduce our overall carbon footprint. These include:

  • Energy-efficient computing: We use Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform that sources green energy. Azure helps us reduce emissions while providing detailed emissions accounting, allowing us to better track our progress.
  • A sustainable office: Our modern, electrified office runs on green energy, further minimizing our environmental impact. We’ve designed our workspace to be as sustainable as possible, aligning our operations with our climate goals.
  • Sustainable commuting incentives: To encourage sustainable commuting, we offer employees free train and bike subscriptions. This initiative has been highly successful, with around 95% of our employees opting for sustainable commuting options.
  • Travel policies in development: We are currently working on travel policies that will reduce short flights, such as those between Amsterdam and London, further lowering our travel-related emissions.

Commitment to transparency and inspiring change

We believe transparency, accountability and taxing the cost of emissions is key to achieving climate goals. Many of these things we can already voluntarily do ourselves as we wait for legislation to catch up. That’s why we’re making details of our emissions, carbon offsetting commitments and methods publicly available in a climate portfolio, and pledge to continue this practice going forward. We hope that by sharing our journey, we can inspire others in the industry to join.

While there is still much room for improvement for us, we are proud of the steps we’ve taken so far and remain committed to building a greener future. We’re don’t just want to help educate the next generation of changemakers, but also lead by example — practicing what we preach when it comes to sustainability. We hope you’ll join us on this journey!

Explore our public climate portfolio here:

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