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9 time-saving ways to upgrade your course design with FeedbackFruits

Nhi Nguyen
Rebecca LeBoeuf
Rebecca LeBoeuf
October 5, 2022
Table of Contents

Using time effectively and efficiently in course design has been one of the biggest struggles for almost every highered institution. As online and hybrid learning continue to the favorable setting alongside face-to-face classrooms, faculties found themselves with increased workload: more teaching approaches to try, more methods to adopt, and more clunky tasks in setting up courses. So how can institutions minimize the time spent on course design, while maximizing students’ performance, and learning outcomes?

Pedagogical technology is the best solution in helping faculties save time, by automating the manual tasks like grading, group assignments, and such. FeedbackFruits Tool Suite offers such capacity to assist institutions in effective time management and allocation. Below are the 9 ways in which faculties can utilize our solutions to reduce the workload, and generate high quality courses.

We have also visualized this article in the form of an infographic, click on the image below to download it.

Infographic: 9 time-saving ways for effect course design with FeedbackFruits
Infographic: 9 time-saving ways for effect course design with FeedbackFruits
A full guide to understand UDL and create inclusive education
Join Cole Groom of FeedbackFruits and Patricia Luna of TAMU for an in-depth webinar exploring authentic assessment and how it can transform your approach to student evaluations

1. Create engaging activities without leaving your LMS

The LTI 1.3 and API integrations automatically synchronize groups, calendars, and deadlines, allowing educators to set up FeedbackFruits learning activities within their LMS, and with no extra sign-ins.

“The faculty don't have to do any calculations or add up scores or grades or anything, it will take care of all of that.” – Mustafa Elsawy, Instructional Technologist, Georgia State University

2. Flatten the learning curve with intuitive interface

The streamlined, uniform interface across all tools allows teachers and students to master the activity set-up within seconds. And if any issue does pop up, our live support is just a click away!

Faculties can configure any step of the learning activity in just one platform, from writing instructions, assigning groups/ peer reviewers, designing rubrics, to deciding on grade weighting. 

An all-in-one interface to ease your course design experience
An all-in-one interface to ease your course design experience

3. Set up rubrics instantly with the configurable rubric creator

Easy-to-use rubric creator with customizable criteria and ratings lets you design rubrics that match your specific pedagogical goals. Even better, you can save and reuse these across other activities and courses, which significantly minimizes the time spent creating new rubrics.

We have compiled several rubrics created by our partner institutions using FeedbackFruits in this ebook: Assessment rubrics in higher education.

Create rubrics easily with criteria and detailed descriptions
Create rubrics easily with criteria and detailed descriptions

Dr. Yasuhisa Watanabe, senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne used Interactive Video, Interactive Document, and Peer Review to maintain interactions in his online language courses, while minimizing the time spent on clunky course set-ups. Dr. Watanabe remarked on how beneficial and

"I used some peer feedback in my class before, but being able to do this [with FeedbackFruits] was excellent... I'm sure it has reduced my workload and let me use my time more efficiently."

7. Annotate and configure granular grading easily

Automatic, adjustable grading provides educators with the flexibility to implement detailed scoring without them spending even a minute on grading. This removes institutions from burden of grading a large student cohort.

Configurable grading for activity steps in FeedbackFruits
Decide on grades for each of the activity steps

8. Publish grades in the LMS gradebook with just one click

Automatic grades synchronization into the native gradebooks saves faculty time manually exporting and uploading grades to the LMS.

Denise Kreiger, Digital Learning Designer, and Monty Kaplan, Platform Administrator in Educational Technology, Digital Learning & Innovation at Boston University chose Peer Review to facilitate the feedback process for a large online course of 400 students. Automatic gradebook synchronization was among the key  factors that persuaded Denise and Monty to adopt FeedbackFruits. 

“What was our solution? FeedbackFruits Peer Review tool, where students could work individually and in teams with auto-grading of the assignment in the LMS Gradebook.” - Denise Kreiger, Digital Learning Designer, Boston University

9. Replicate and scale validated course designs

Faculties can generate templates from existing activities, rubrics, or feedback comments to reuse or share them with colleagues quickly and easily. This saves instructors and faculties plenty of time having to create brand new assignments, thus strengthening collaboration among institutional departments. 

Generate templates from existing activities, rubrics, and more
In any of our tools, faculties have the option to save the created activity as templates to be used in the next course
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