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AI for higher education

A comprehensive resources hub to understand and leverage AI power

Explore a collection of resources that assist institutions in establishing protocols, policy surrounding AI, as well as embrace AI in teaching and learning.
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Explore the resource hub in 4 key categories

Click on each of the topics below to see the resources:
strategy for AI

Best practices to formulate guidelines and strategies on AI

faculty support

Resources to support faculty and students embrace AI

case studies

Proven examples of successful AI implementation


AI-powered tools to transform assessment and feedback

Implementation and strategy

Resources to help formulate ethical and compliance guidelines related to AI usage, and strategies to incorporate AI into the curriculum
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AI preparedness checklist

Created by 1EdTech's Emerging Digital Pedagogies Innovation Leadership Network (ILN), this checklist provides institutions with guiding prompts for establishing protocols, policies, and best practices for using AI in teaching and learning.

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8 strategies to embrace AI in higher education

Explore the essential 8 steps to consider for institutional leaders when integrating AI across the campus to increase productivity and efficiency.

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Leading in the age of AI: A comprehensive guide for higher education

Practical strategies, insights, and real-world success stories for institutions to harness the power of AI.

Staff and student support

Resources to support faculty and students in embracing AI for better teaching and learning
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A complete guide to support students in using AI

Strategies to introduce AI to students and help them develop essential skills to utilize this technology in both learning and real life.

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ChatGPT: How to adapt your courses for AI?

Strategies on how faculty can adapt the curriculum to embrace the rise of ChatGPT and AI, both long-term and short-term.  

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology’s report addresses the need for sharing knowledge and refining technology plans and policies for AI.

Use cases and best practices

Real-life examples showcasing successful AI implementations in different contexts
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Embracing ChatGPT and AI with best authentic assessment strategies

The benefits of formative assessment, and how instructors can integrate this approach quickly and easily at any stage of your course.

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Transform writing assignments for AI: 5 best strategies

A guide to help faculties redesign writing assignments for AI, with best strategies, templates, and use cases.

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success stories

Exploring AI pedagogy: A community collection of teaching reflections

An initiative of the MLA-CCCC to encourage educators to exchange experiences and implementation stories around AI.

FeedbackFruits AI Tools

Explore our AI tools that will save you time and help students develop critical thinking and feedback skills
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Automated Feedback for instant AI feedback on written assignments

Giving feedback on students' assignments can be time-consuming. FeedbackFruits Automated Feedback tool provides AI-powered formative feedback to students on their academic writing skills based on criteria that instructor or students themselves define.

With Automated Feedback, students can receive feedback on writing style, grammar, formatting, referencing and more instantly.

Automated Feedback Coach to improve feedback skills with AI

When students are giving feedback to each other in the FeedbackFruits Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation tools, the AI-powered Automated Feedback Coach assists students in providing high-quality feedback, thus improving their feedback skills.

Automated Feedback Coach encourages students to give helpful feedback that addresses the assignment criteria and makes suggestions on how they can improve their feedback throughout the process.

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Kickstart a successful semester with FeedbackFruits

Get recommendations from our specialists how to adapt and upgrade your courses for AI.